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I started doing core work twice a week, and here is what happened!!

Up until last year I had never really focused on doing gym/core work to aid my running. I thought it was useless and a waste if time! One day I read an article on the importance of this strength training and gave it a go!

A big mistake I made was jumping straight into an intense core workout I had found on YouTube. I had never done any core work before and it inevitably left my body sore for the next week. So start off slow and progress the exercises!

After about 2 weeks (4 sessions) my body started to adapt to these new workouts and I wasn't feeling the usual pains the next few days after. I was already beginning to slowly get definition in my core that I hadn't seen before!

One month in and I as getting consistently good with the workouts. I was in all honesty just doing the core work for a beloved six-pack at this stage. I was quite lean starting off, so getting a six pack was just a matter of building more muscle but I was still impressed.

I wasn't noticing the impact it was having on my running however! It was making me stronger, faster and more injury resistant! My core helped stabilized my torso while on a run, and made me more efficient moving at a faster pace! The core work also helped me keep good posture finishing race/hard session when only a month ago my core was collapsing in on me!!

Overall just by doing a few simple core exercises, I became a much better runner! I would recommend Core work to any runner who has not yet done it yet as it makes a huge difference! Also After 4 months work the six-pack is looking good!!!

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