The tempo run and threshold run
The words "tempo" and "threshold" in distance running have an array of meanings but today I will hopefully clear some of this up for you so you can get the best out of your training

Threshold run:
I would typically say that the threshold run is slightly faster than a tempo run. Your threshold run pace is around a pace you can hold for a hour in a race. More experienced runners might do 20 minutes at this pace or intervals like 6 X 5 mins at threshold pace. You are working at a point where the lactate in your blood stream is producing lactic acid at the same rate it is being cleared away. This trains the body to clear away lactate at this speed faster eventually so you can run at this pace for an hour much easily. It should be an effort at which you speak a few words but not be able to hold a conversation. If you wear heart rate monitors your heart rate should be around 85-90% of max heart rate.
Tempo run:
This is a run slightly longer then a threshold run but at a slower pace. It is a great workout for marathoners as it greatly improves fitness although is slightly faster than marathon pace. you should be comfortable but feel like you are cruising at the same time! An example workout might be 3 miles easy, 7 miles tempo, 3 miles easy. This is a great way to get in 13 miles and some solid aerobic running.