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The Problems with the "Quick Fix"

Everyone wants a quick fix in life! They want to know this one simple "hack" to make them loose weight or earn more money. The same thing applies to running. Most people want to get faster, the easiest way possible (which is a good mindset). However they don't realize the 5-6 month grind of high mileage and tough sessions is where improvements are made

1: Burning out

A big problem with these "get fast now" schemes is that they jump athletes straight into track sessions without any base built up. You see them all the time, why? because that is what people want.

This is indeed a very quick way to become fast but it isn't sustainable in the long run. By continually doing this you won't see anymore improvement and eventually get worse unless a base is built beforehand.

2: People give up

People like to see instant results which isn't really the case in running or indeed life! It requires a few solid months of consistent hard training to really see improvements. This is why running is only the sport for a select few. You must have patience, trust (in your coach), determination and motivation, that is why we love it!!


Quick fixes are really just fake improvements. If it was that easy to truly get better everyone would just jump on the running bandwagon and break a few records.... it reality and thankfully that is not the case. The only way to get better at running is to run!!! Build up that aerobic base and then come summer when it's time for your key race then go ahead and do track sessions the 4 weeks leading up to it. And abracadabra you will have probably beaten your PB. There is no quick fixes in life, only hard work!

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