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Mindset in running

You know what they say? Running is 90% mental and 10% physical! I don't believe this at all, but it does however show us that a good mindset can bring you a long way.

Your mindset is not just determination but also discipline in training and self belief in yourself.

To be the best, you have to want it the most! Train hard (but smart) sleep well and eat well. It is important not too over emphasize on these things and live a fun life (not saying that training isn't fun, but most people would prefer to party!), but to be a successful athlete you have to live mostly like an athlete!

This is all down to your motivation and determination as a runner! Am I willing to go to bed a half an hour earlier so I can get up early for a run? Am I cutting corners in my training that I really shouldn't e.g core work? These are some of the questions you have to ask yourself, and decide if you'r fully committed or not!

Success is not the result of a few key track sessions but actually in your daily habits from what time you want to wake up, to want you eat going to bed! Consistency is crucial in everything, and it's those who have the self-discipline to train week in week out for years that eventually reap the rewards they deserve!

Self-discipline stems from your motivation, so if you lack the motivation, you lack the discipline! True motivation can only come from inside you, if you are doing it for someone else it's not going to last!

There has to be something deep down that want's you to be a great runner, who wants to win medals and break records. And unfortunately if you don't have that burning desire it will be tough to go far in the sport!

Self belief:

Without self-belief it is impossible to run to your potential! You have to be 100% confident in yourself than you can reach your goals or else it's a waste of time.

Confidence and self-belief should naturally come from your training and all the hard sessions you have been doing! Knowing you can perform after having done it in training is the most powerful self-belief you can have and should propel you to your goals!!

Even when you're tired self-belief is more powerful than any determination you may have as you know you can keep going despite the fatigue!

So train hard, keep the motivation strong, and believe fully in yourself!

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