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Mo top of the world!

For anyone who watched last nights 10k race it's fair to say it was quite the spectacle. It was Mo Farah's last 10k race on the track and he was keen to go out with a bang, but the Africans had other ideas! They decided to throw ef everything at Mo Farah, leaving nothing left out on the track.

The East Africans had decided pre- race that they would make the pace fast from the gun and work Farah in a way they had never done before. They went through 2 miles in 8:41 leaving them on sub 27 minute pace! The first real break of the race happened as Bedan Muchiri took the field through 5k in 13:33.

Mo Farah never looked phased and trusted that these Kenyans would slow. His form looked, he looked concentrated and fresh. However without doubt we were starting to doubt the legend. He was never pushed like this before and was alarmingly a good bit off the leaders. But then again you just can't doubt Mo no matter how bad things are looking!!

Mo was right! The pace had slowed and he was right in the mix of things. The crowd was incredible, urging Farah on at every moment. And just as he had caught his breath, Hadis the Ethiopian had started a long kick for home with a mile to go! The pace was fast as Farah was holding on to the leading pack.

With 600m to go Mo had taken the lead, the might of Africa on his heels ready to kick past him! It was tense, tight and the winner was well undecided! With 300m to go, Farah dramatically tripped but managed to keep his composure to hold the inside bend with 200 to go!

He relaxed down the bend, as three East Africans all mounted on his shoulder with 100m to go. But Farah kicked like he always does gaining a small lead over Ugandans Cheptegei and ran to victory with a few meters to spare. It was amazing to witness with a world leading time of 26:52 going to Farah along with a plethora of PB's and SB's on the results page!

Farah's 55 second last lap had earned him a well deserved gold medal to make him easily one of the best distance runners ever. No distance runner has now won as much medals as Mo has in major competitions. He may not have the incredible times of Bekele to make him the best runner of all time but he sure is the greatest distance racer off all time!!!

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