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Are easy runs beneficial??

Are easy runs really necessary? Well, love or hate them they are a hugely significant factor in training! A general rule of thumb in life is the more you do of something the better you get at it, and that's no different to running.

If we take a look at some of the best distance runners from 5k to the marathon it is inevitable that they are clocking up at least 100 miles a week! As you run (even at an easy pace) your joints/muscles will become more strong and efficient along with improving your aerobic capacity and cardiovascular system. This is the foundation for all faster running, and it is important you have enough endurance before hitting the tempo runs and track intervals. It is no coincidence that the best runners run the most, most of which is at a very easy pace.

If you want to start running more, most of your training will have to be an easy conversational pace. If everyday was ran at a hard intensity you would quickly burn out or get injured! Easy running can play a part in the recovery of hard workouts. On a recovery run more, blood is pumped into damaged muscles helping it to recover faster as it gets more nutrients from the blood.

It is important to remember that easy/recovery runs are meant to be slow! Too often we see young kids go for an easy run way too fast, and when the hard session comes around they can't give everything as they are too tired. They should be at a conversational pace and you shouldn't be working hard at all. "You must keep your hard days hard and your easy days easy" is a phrase many coaches use and is important to know. I believe there is no such thing as "junk miles" as even the slowest of paces bring many benefits. The only problem with easy runs are if they are done too fast. No matter how good you are feeling you need to be feeling fresh for your hard days and recover properly after them.

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